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Dutch Air Force F-35

By | 3D, Aviation, Exterior, Illustration, Work | No Comments

This illustration shows the first Dutch Air Force’s F-35A (F-009) on it’s way from Cameri to Leeuwarden.

The aircraft was flown by Ian Knight, Commanding Officer of the 323 Test & Evaluation Squadron, the unit that has conducted the F-35A testing for the Dutch military.

Although the original illustration is in color, I chose to render it black and white … because black and white is cool …


By | 3D, Architecture, Exterior | No Comments

Villa LORENZ in Lorentzweiler (LU) aims at co-ownership for seniors. Aside its 13 apartments, this construction project offers rooms and gardens where owners and their guests come together, communicate, construct, cook, etc …

We must have broken a record or two generating the commercial supports for this project. Deadlines were even shorter then ever before, but the respect we receive from the people at Codur makes it all worth while.

2019 KICK OFF!!

By | Aviation, Photography | No Comments

The 2019 Airshow season finally KICKED OFF at the Beauvechain Air Base Day last Wednesday!!

It was good to see the Belgian Air Force Vador Force F16 Solo Display again, doing what he does best…

The flight line was a bit far for the 400mm lens I brought, so instead of going for zoomed in close ups, I decided to play the game of thirds 😉

This picture has a shutter speed of 1/1000th sec at f8.

End of an era …

By | Aviation, Photography | No Comments

This is it, final curtain for the Belgian Air Force Sea King.

Loyal guardian of the Belgian coastline for 40 years, this wonderful machine will make his last flight today.
More than 60.000 hrs of flight for over 3300 rescue missions, saving approx 2000 lives…

This is an image I made during the 2017 Belgian Heli Days. It was always a thankful subject to have in the viewfinder.

I have to do some artwork on this subject!!

FIRETEC Fire Suppression System

By | 3D, Concept | No Comments

Another clean clay model render for Luxemburg FIRETEC.

This time we needed to show Firetecs’ proven Fire Suppression System in a military troop transport vehicle.
The illustration will be used as commercial support in brochures, and on the website.

It took some time to find the same settings as we had using V-Ray, but it’s done now 😉 These studio settings are rendered in Corona from now on.

Waiting for the summer…

By | Aviation, Drone, Photography | No Comments

As certified Class 1 Drone Pilots we are allowed to fly a multitude of different drone models.
However, the DJI S900 remains our favorite.

Maybe it doesn’t have all the gimmicks of the latest models, but we love to fly this bird!

We CANNOT WAIT to get this baby back in the air where it does what he does best … Produce top notch aerial photography!


By | Concept, Illustration | No Comments

Our work concerning the all new AIRxTOUCH v2 hits the public!
This concept was labeled TOP SECRET for many months, but can now be shown to the world … with pride …

To answer to a public demand, our studio worked closely with the developers at INUI STUDIO to come up with a solution to make a portrait oriented version of the award winning v1 bar.

For the initial product presentation, we chose for this funny, retro looking style.

All you need to know about the AIRxTOUCH technology can be found on their website http://www.airxtouch.com

BAF A109 Hirundo

By | Aviation, Illustration | No Comments

A new one for the Aviation Series!
I made this illustration of the Belgian Air Force A109, based on some reference images I made during the 2014 Air Force Days

Poster soon to be found at a web shop near you!

79, Rue Dr Hustin

By | 3D, Architecture | No Comments

This newly constructed residence lies in the South of Belgium.

Given “carte blanche” for the interior, we went for a clean, Scandinavian style look.
Nothing fancy, just a clean render.

Cinema 4D / Corona / Photoshop CC

79, Rue Dr Hustin

By | 3D, Architecture, Interior | No Comments

This newly constructed residence lies in the South of Belgium.

Given “carte blanche” for the interior, we went for a clean, Scandinavian style look.
Nothing fancy, just a clean render.

Cinema 4D / Corona / Photoshop CC


By | 3D, Architecture | No Comments

When I explored Corona renderer, I needed an example scene to reproduce.

Being a big fan of the work of Japanese architect TADAO ANDO  I chose a reference image from his UTSUBO PARK project, just to throw some textures on it, and see how Corona pulled it of …

First time I used the Ivy Grower plugin … Works like a charm.

Up Close …

By | Aviation, Photography | No Comments

From the archives!  Belgian Air Force Days 2013.

Up close and personal with this North American Aviation T-28 Trojan, piloted by Luc Hellings…

… And actually … it all started right there; my first Airshow with my brand new Nikon and my fantastic 300mm lens!

INDUSIGN Woodlight

By | 3D, Architecture | No Comments

The Dutch INDUSIGN company makes really cool furniture. One of their projects is the WOODLIGHT.

When I searched for a nice lamp for this Black Kitchen Concept, I thought it would work well together.

C4D / Corona / Photoshop CC


By | Aviation, Illustration | No Comments

I had to make many reference images to produce this illustration of the Czech Air Force JAS 39C Gripen.

This version is flown by the 211 Tiger Squadron, pictured here in it’s 2018 Solo Display livery. The Gripen celebrates his 30th anniversary this year.

Poster soon to be found at a web shop near you!

THE NEST, Neihaischen

By | 3D, Architecture, Illustration | No Comments

Luxemburg based ECO CONSTRUCTIONS constructed this brand new residence.
The concept of this LENOZ certified, collectif habitat respects its neighbourhood, combining a mixture of modern architecture, and innovative techniques.

Our mission was to insert the residence in a warm and natural environment.

RADOM 2018

By | Aviation, Photography | No Comments

Cold, wet, poor light … This years Radom Airshow had it all. We made some new friends however … and were able to save 3 or 4 nice images. You can find some more pictures by clicking on the Flickr shortcut.

You have to LOVE the job!

By | Aviation, Photography | No Comments

Sometimes, I tend to say that I don’t have clients… Not one… I have friends and people I appreciate, that can benefit from my work.

iFLY Benelux is no different.

We tried to make some nice air-to-air photos a couple of times over some months, but there was always a bad background, poor light, hard wind etc etc … Finally I got the iFLY BENELUX VIRUS in the box.

NEXUS _ Hollerich

By | Architecture, Illustration | No Comments

When the girls from ECO – CONSTRUCTIONS asked for a render of their new project, we were there!

The brief was clear; something “light”, preferably with a nice, sketched look… We like that.

Deadlines were tight, no problem.
Residence NEXUS sold in less than 2 months.

Cinema 4D / Photoshop CC

Firetec Excavator

By | 3D, Illustration | No Comments

FIRETEC / Fire Suppression System

Luxemburg brand FIRETEC invented a Fire Suppression System for vehicles that can be triggered from the driver compartment.

This illustration was to show the integration of the system.

LEGO Helicopter

By | 3D | No Comments

This small helicopter is part of the Lego Coast Guard Patrol adventure set.

Just for fun, simply to test a new plug-in …
It was modelled in C4D, rendered in V-Ray.


By | 3D, Concept | No Comments

Working closely with the team of INUI STUDIO, We were heavily involved in the design of this AIRxTOUCH bar.
This is an interactive bar that works through glass, which is an absolute world premiere.

I took piles of concept sketches, endless but productive meeting, liters of coffee … but eventually we got the job done.
The AIRxTOUCH bar is selling all over the world.

C4D / V-Ray / Photoshop CC


By | 3D, Architecture, Illustration | No Comments

This illustration for RICHET REAL ESTATE (Lux) shows Résidence LIBERTE.
The mission was to attract new clients.

The initial idea was to use photography, but given that résidence Liberté lies in the railway station area, and the fact that it was winter all didn’t really help…

We came up with the idea of rendering the building, giving us the freedom to present it as beautiful as possible.